Sunday 29 November 2009

Another weekend post

This weekend was nice and slow. Slept in on Saturday. The weather was dreadful anyway. I didn't even notice how late it was because it was still so dark. Breakfast consisted of Chinese leftover. That was not as yummy as I thought it would be. But it was convenient so I am not complaining (plus a certain someone brought it to me in bed, so another reason not to complain). Did some cleaning during the day. Nothing major, just the dishes and the kitchen top. Stove is nice and shiny now though.
Did a quick grocery run to store. Picked up all the wrong foods. But at least the noodles were wholemeal. Dinner then consisted of said pasta with pesto and rocket. I guess that was not so bad after all.
Unfortunately I had to work today. I do not really mind Sunday work, but I just hate missing a day I could spend with my bf. Well, he is taking Tuesday off, so at least we will have that day together. Did a quick call to my grandpa tonight. He is doing fine. It would have been my grandma's birthday yesterday. So we all like to check in with grandpa and see that he is doing fine. My cousins were all there yesterday and today my parents went over there for breakfast. In the afternoon his neighbors came over and entertained him. He is starting a new routine. I think that is really good for him. He needs to do things. He is thinking about coming over to London to visit and see the museums. I am all for that. I bet my dad would love to go with him. We'll see how that goes. One step at a time.
Hm, more work tomorrow. Cannot wait for day off on Tuesday. Love those days. Might make it to the barber shop then. But I doubt it. Just too lazy for that...
Speaking of lazy. Will go make a nice cuppa now and enjoy the rest of my weekend.


  1. Hmmm lazy...... like that. We've spent most of the weekend on the couch. Done cooking and washing today but that's it really...

    Tuesdays off.... hmmmmmmm... love those fact..I love Monday off, Tuesday off, Wednesday off, Thursday off, Friday off, Saturday off..... hmmm


  2. LOL. I am 100% with you on the days off... Any day off is a better day ;-)

    Have to prepare for class now though. I guess the day is not as 'off' as I would like it to be.

  3. 100% with you on the off days... LOOOVE them.

    Though I have to prepare for class now...
